Dear Parents, Students, and Teachers,

     At TVIS we encourage each other to be Buddies and not Bullies, but even the sharpest citizens need to have a reminder from time to time. Bullying can happen anywhere, but some of the main settings where students may be bullied are the playground, the cafeteria, the bus stops, the pool, and the skate park. Students at TVIS are Safe, Honest, Accountable, Respectful, and Positive, but we aren’t perfect and sometimes we need to reflect on our own behavior as well as the behaviors of our peers and teachers. We should always be ready to act when it comes to preventing bullying.

     If you would like some tips on how to deal with bullies you can access some “Social Stories” that give examples of bullying along with ways to deal with bullying in the Tiefort View Library.

     Remember there are multiple types of bullying. For the next couple of weeks TVIS will focus on Cyber-bully awareness. Cyber-Bullying happens when you are sent inappropriate messages or pictures through texts, e-mails, or any other sort of digital means.

If you are Cyber-Bullied you should:
- Never respond to the message.
- Save the message and show it to an adult you trust.

Stay S.H.A.R.P.!
Tiefort View Positive Behavior Interventions Support (PBIS) Committee

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