French Class

Trojan PRIDE


Prepared (Préparé)

- study vocabulary daily

- write your name on your paper as soon as you receive it

- on testing days, have your desk ready for the test at the start of class

- on days that we're using the textbook, get the book at the beginning of class


Respectful (Respectueux)

- use school appropriate language

- sit in your assigned seat for attendance

- use technology for class related tasks only

- listen attentively while the teacher is speaking to the class

Integrity (Intégrité)

- stay on task during group work

- do your own work on assessments

- let the teacher know when you need help

- use technology for class related tasks only

Dependable (fiable)

- complete projects on time

- be prepared for tests or quizzes

- do your classroom responsibilities

- complete & turn in missed assignments


Engaged (faire un effort)

- actively try to learn French

- participate in class discussions

- speak in French whenever possible

- ask questions relevant to what is being discussed in class


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