World Languages
Hortencia Mancilla

 Supplies required daily:

*  Pens and pencils
*  Folder
Guidelines for student success:
* Come to class daily and on time
* Be RESPECTFUL (Defiance of authority, failure to follow instructions or participate, disobedience, disturbance and destruction of property are all qualifications for receiving detention or referral
* Complete and turn in quality assignments in a consistent and timely manner.
* Stay focused during class time.
* All ELECTRONICS must be OFF and OUT OF SIGHT. Any electronic device used in the classroom is subject to confiscation and parents may be requested to pick the item up.
* Follow SVHS guidelines and policies.
*     Written warning
*     Call home
*     Detention
*     Referral
*     Class suspension
*     Other consequences as needed
Student grades will be determined as follows:
Assessments (Tests, quizzes and projects)                            50%
Class assignments, participation & homework                      50%
TOTAL                                                                                  100%
Completing your HOMEWORK on time is essential for this class. It helps to reinforce daily lesson concepts, help you identify any difficulties you may have with new terms and concepts, and help you prepare for assessments. Spanish homework is assigned everyday except for Friday.
Students with excused absences are responsible for requesting and turning in assignments upon their return to class (please see me after class or after school to request assignments). Students must turn in completed homework assignments by the next class session to receive full credit (extra time may be granted for excused absences with teacher approval). Quiz and test make-ups are available after school ONLY for students with excused absences. Students are responsible for making an appointment and making up quizzes and/or tests as soon as possible.
Students and parents are asked to monitor their [student’s] progress in order to ensure student success during each grading period. This can be done by requesting a grade printout by phone or email (printouts will be prepared and delivered with student within two days of your request).

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