Montara PTO is seeking officers:
Vice President
PTO parents are selling Valentine Grams beginning Monday, February 1st. Grams sell for 50¢, $1 and $2. If you are interested in becoming a PTO parent, please call the office.
The kindergarten teachers are in the process of planning end of the year field trips and activities. In order to do all things planned, teachers need to raise frunds. As opposed to a grade level fundraiser, teachers are asking for a $30 donation from parents to pay for both busing and admission for these trips. Please feel free to send money or check payable to Montara PTO with your student to be turned in to the teacher. Thank you in advance for your support!
Fifth/Sixth grade is selling the 2016 Community Discount Cards for $10. Feel free to stop by the office if you would like to purchase one. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Miller at